Mom Life, Family

Introducing Ben

I’d like to introduce the newest addition to our family – baby Ben.

Benjamin joined us in April to much fanfare, which included a cord prolapse (when the umbilical cord is delivered before the baby – never good) and an emergency C-section. Oh, and he was four weeks early. I will spare you the details, but suffice it to say that he’s our miracle baby.

I quickly learned that caring for a new baby and chasing around a two-year-old doesn’t leave much time for anything else. When you hardly have time to shower, you definitely don’t have time to clip coupons and cook meals from scratch. My frugality (and my blog) has had to take a backseat to reality, a reminder that this is why we save – to give us the freedom to enjoy times like this with our family.

As the dust starts to settle, I look forward to getting back to meal planning, budgeting, squeezing the most out of each dollar and sharing the journey through my blog. But tonight, I think I’m going to go enjoy some cuddle time with baby Ben. As I’ve learned, that commodity is in very short supply.



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