Showing 4 Result(s)
Napa Living, Mom Life, Family

Dancing in the Rain

Parallel parking at Napa library one morning, the bumper sticker on the beat-up 1980’s Chevy sedan in front of me caught my eye.   It was a day when I wondered if my sanity had been lost when I decided to be a stay-at-home mom. After the typical battles of eating breakfast (no, I’m not whipping …

Napa Living, Mom Life, Family

Harvest Widow Pride

“Go daddy’s wingard! GO DADDY’S WINGARD!” That’s our two-year-old’s rebel cry this morning, earnestly fastening the Velcro on his sneakers, pushing us out the door to go to daddy’s vineyard (which technically isn’t daddy’s vineyard, but that nuance is lost on a two-year-old). We told the kids at breakfast that the day’s adventures included a …

Napa Living, Budgeting

Making the most of a promotion

Last week my husband called from work to go over some mundane items on the proverbial to-do-list, and then hit me with the news. “Oh, and I got promoted to winemaker this morning.” I nearly fell off my chair. We’d been talking about him becoming a full-blown winemaker ever since our dreams of the wine …