Showing 6 Result(s)

Easy 1-Bowl Banana Muffins

I’ve found a simple, no fail way to bring a little joy to my day and home: make a batch of muffins. These delicious one-bowl muffins are quick, easy, and healthy. Bonus? They use up the sad looking bananas in my fruit bowl that I can’t bear to throw away. If you don’t like baking …


The incredible, edible oat

Growing up one of my favorite breakfast foods was Quaker Instant Oatmeal. I loved picking out my own individually-sized packet from the box of assorted flavors and “making it” myself (aka. adding hot water or milk). My favorite flavor was strawberries and cream, because the freeze-dried strawberry pieces (really, strawberry-flavored and sugar-infused milk sponges of …

Recipes, Budgeting

Dad’s $75 weekly meal plan

Last weekend my husband gifted me a mom’s afternoon out and took over meal planning and grocery shopping for the week. I got a mani/pedi (his treat!) while he combed my dinner diary for recipes and took our toddler shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s.   Pinch me? I could get used to this.  Besides …


A Napa Valley Peach Harvest

Biting into a ripe, juicy peach – the kind where the juice runs down your hand and drips off your elbow – means summer has officially arrived. This year, that moment occurred for our family in early July when we arrived home from vacation to find our peach tree so laden with fruit that branches …


Better than Belgian: Restaurant-style waffles at home

I am a sucker for waffles. If there is a Belgian waffle on a breakfast menu, my order is a foregone conclusion. While I’ve tried to imitate restaurants’ crisp, buttery waffles at home, my attempts have always fallen short.That is, until I discovered the secret ingredient – yeast. Now, if you’re like me, the mere …