Showing 12 Result(s)
Napa Living, Mom Life, Family

Dancing in the Rain

Parallel parking at Napa library one morning, the bumper sticker on the beat-up 1980’s Chevy sedan in front of me caught my eye.   It was a day when I wondered if my sanity had been lost when I decided to be a stay-at-home mom. After the typical battles of eating breakfast (no, I’m not whipping …

Napa Living, Mom Life, Family

Harvest Widow Pride

“Go daddy’s wingard! GO DADDY’S WINGARD!” That’s our two-year-old’s rebel cry this morning, earnestly fastening the Velcro on his sneakers, pushing us out the door to go to daddy’s vineyard (which technically isn’t daddy’s vineyard, but that nuance is lost on a two-year-old). We told the kids at breakfast that the day’s adventures included a …

DIY + Crafts, Family

8 ways to use Easter Eggs with kids

As a mom of two little boys, there is little more satisfying then coming up with fun, free projects that result in big smiles and busy kids. Enter the plastic Easter egg. With it being Easter season, you can hardly walk into a grocery or big-box shopping store without tripping over a holiday display with …

DIY + Crafts, Family

Do-it-yourself family photo shoot

To put it mildly, I love taking pictures. Oodles and oodles of them. I would even venture to say it’s an addiction. One that’s gotten much worse since having kids. With the holiday season nipping at our heels, a few weeks ago I realized we didn’t have a family photo with our newest addition, baby …