DIY + Crafts, Family

8 ways to use Easter Eggs with kids

As a mom of two little boys, there is little more satisfying then coming up with fun, free projects that result in big smiles and busy kids.

Enter the plastic Easter egg. With it being Easter season, you can hardly walk into a grocery or big-box shopping store without tripping over a holiday display with bags and bags of them. At my house, we already have oodles of these colorful little containers collecting dust in the garage. While they might seem rather useless for eleven months of the year, there are actually quite a few fun and even educational things you can do with plastic Easter eggs. Here are some ideas to make the most of your Easter egg collection all year round.

  1. Have your child “cook” with them with their pots and pans. Put them in an egg carton to add to the fun.
  2. Choose one of every color and separate the two halves. Have your preschooler match the halves by color.
  3. Create a Montessori-inspired sensory activity by choosing various small items (popcorn, coins, rice, beans, paperclips, etc.) to put inside the eggs. Close the eggs but do not seal them. Have your preschooler shake the eggs and try to identify which sound goes with each item.
  4. Do the same as in #3, but use a hot glue gun to seal the eggs and turn them into maracas. My 11-month old LOVES these. (Popcorn makes the best shaker.)
  5. Take one half of an egg and use it to make circles with paint.
  6. Take a handful of eggs to your sandbox. Enough said.
  7. Practice counting and recognizing numbers by writing a number on the outside of each egg and putting the corresponding number of pompoms inside.
  8. Make a list of fun activities to do with your child and place one inside each egg. Do a hunt around the house and complete the activities as you find each egg.

Have another way to repurpose Easter eggs? Please share in the comments.

Cheers and Happy Easter!


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